So diet is not the only change I’ve been making to try get on top of my health I’ve also been focusing a fair bit on yoga Recently I’ve mostly been practicing at home, as I let myself get a little too stiff and out of shape after the Nuclear plasty. So about 2 weeks ago I started going back to classes and had a lovely Yin Yoga class at yoga fever before I dived in last weekend with a day of Womb yoga on Sat and a morning of Yoga Nidra on Sunday and wow it was good!
The womb yoga was very interesting it made me realise a few things I hadn’t thought about and got me thinking in a less negative way about periods. She said some very interesting things about societies view of menstruation and how we’re expected to always act how we act when we’re in the ovulating part of our cycle and maybe that drains us and is part of the reason periods hurt so much. Somewhat along the line of when you’re go go go in work and you get a holiday and instead of being able to enjoy it you end up sick and in bed for a week. She also talked about the fact that it’s still seen as a dirty thing we don’t talk about and how ridiculous that is, and there was an interesting discussion about the tampax mother nature adds. As soon as I got home I downloaded a period tracker app for my phone which actually let me choose between dog cat or bunny for my front screen I presume you can guess which I went with :) and I’m planning on downloading and printing this womans quest workbook once I get ink for the printer. Also planning on going next week to another well woman yoga class and sussing it out.
The yoga nidra class was even more interesting, I’m not really sure how it worked to be honest but it got rid of my neck pain for the guts of the rest of the day! Which no drugs have ever done! Essentially we lay down with our knees up on cushions and under a blanket so we were uber comfy and cosy, then listened to what the teacher said. What was strange is I didn’t really hear the words that were said, I zoned out but I was completely relaxed and when he told us to wake up I did, its almost like I’m missing that ten mins or so but I felt great afterwards and my neck didn’t hurt! We did three different sessions which all felt a little different and talked about the whole thing in between and they gave us a CD to try it at home which I intend to do this evening. Really something everyone should experience because I can’t explain it to be honest but it was wonderful!