Wednesday, 12 October 2011

A giant whopper of a ray of sunshine

Well my back is a hell of a lot better today courtesy of my wonderful new yoga teacher! She got me doing some back bends I’ve never seen before and it got rid of my neck pain, for a good few hours, it’s back now and I’m a little cautious of trying it myself not warmed up or anything, but I have Tai Chi in an hour anyway and that usually helps. My lower back is still a little sore and stiff but better then it was.
The kinda gardening has also continued on today, I bought a sprouter instead of making one, cause I’m lazy and the seeds are all set to go, and the water cress is already sprouted a few mm in 24hours! Which is well cool! Bunnies will be eating it in no time! Looking forward to watching my sprouts and then figuring out how to eat them, suggestions welcome, I have mung bean, alfala (which I can not pronounce or spell in the slightest) sunflower, and mustard seeds. It’s doing my stress levels wonders too!
Took today pretty easy, after yoga came home went to the veg shop and the health shop this really nice little co op near us which is where I got the sprouter as well as some amazing apple bread! Yum! And then been reading stuff on etsy most of the day, should have made stuff but I’m really trying to figure out how to sell stuff, it’s getting closer and closer to it being my main source of income and I now have 50 items listed and more ready to list, so I gotta get sales going!
Anywho my back feels much better, a 2 hour yoga class and one particular stretch did me far more good then all the drugs and giant needles the doctors have filled me with, says a lot about modern medicine! Gotta get me into a yoga filled routine! I think I’m gonna go all new agey! ...well more so, bring on hippy Sarah!

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